Wayside Willow
Chaz Friend

working with willow:
Whole Class Working
Group Work
Themed activities linking to topic
Support Artsmark
Develop confidence
Design, make evaluate
Story telling and making
Engage with history
Curriculum linking
Problem Solving
...and FUN

What does a typical day in school look like?
Arrive - by 8:30 and get set up for the sessions.
Assembly - sometimes asked introduce myself/activites in assembly.
9:15 - Weaving session with 1st class
10:45 - Weaving session with class 2.
12:00 Lunch
1:30 - Weaving session with class 3
3:00 - clear up and pack away

Child weaved sculptures
I will have worked with up to 100 children throughout the day , making an individual willow item.
This is likely to cost in the region of £400 - £600 (however depends on the number of children in the class and the items made)
Ask me for a quotation

Working in Schools:
Leading new learners to ancient craft skills.
Let Imagination run free:
Utalise Childrens' own designs for sculpture or living willow!

What happens on a sculptural day?
I work with small groups of children, weaving into a metal armature that I have already created for them. (NB smaller numbers of children get to participate as only so many can get at the structure at once)
When the children finish I spend some time tidying the structure before I leave.
NB - additional costs are incurred for the metal armature making. Simple structures (leaf / heart/ fish) cost approximately £250