Design Challenge Days
A day your pupils will remember.
The foundation:
Children will be directed through structured tasks to learn 4 techniques of willow working.
In these sessions, children will learn
1/ The figure of eight weave.
2/ A fence weaving technique.
3/ The wreath making technique.
4/ The random weave style.
Wayside Willow
Chaz Friend

The Collaboration:
In groups, pupils will work together to create a design that in some way incorportates all 4 of the willow techniques they have learned about in the earlier sessions of the course.
This can have a specific focus for the design (eg an animal, a lantern, a building, a piece of furniture, etc)
The application:
Pupils work together to create their design.
Course rates for a single day - including willow, - £500
Two day course £950
This will work with a whole class in a large space -such as a hall- or outside in good weather.
It can work well if the creative elements of the course are against the clock( in terms of the process, but the quality of the finished product can be reduced). If the quality of the finished product is of particular importance (to enhance the school environment etc) , it is best completed over 2 days)
The evaluation;
Pupils evaluate each others creation. This can be done informally or as a whole class focus