These workshops provide children with engagement with willow craft skills at a level they can access, while providing resources for the school to use which enhance the school environment, increasing that invaluable sense of ownership that the children feel for its environment.
These workshops can be carried inside in large spaces such as a hall or outside if the weather permits.
Garden obelisks
These plant suppors can be built by 2- 4 children working together in
collaboration, fostering cooperation and communication skills.
After the technique is learned, it can be used to make scaled versions in the
classroom. experimenting with various materials.
Twenty or more obelisks should be able to be made in a day, working with 4

Fencing sections:
This key willow weaving skill is easily picked up by children, with suitable
adult support. Low fencing strips can be made to enhance borders in the
garden or within school. Alternatively larger panels can be made to create
sections within the school grounds.
This technique has been used for centurioes, but is often associated
particularly with the tudor period.

Course rates per day - including willow, working with up to 3 classes - £650
Wayside Willow
Chaz Friend

Garden willow Workshops
Leading new learners to ancient craft skills.