Artsmart for the Artsmark?
Criteria from the Artsmark Documents:
Artsmark Part 1 application criteria questions 2014/2015
( Primary, secondary and multiphase)
1.4 Working with artists and arts organisations
At least one opportunity is provided for all students in
every year group to work with or visit an arts organisation
or artist
Artsmark Part 2 application criteria questions 2014/2015
( Primary, secondary, pupil referral units and special
2.8 Staff skills development
Describe how you ensure that your staff team are
individually and collectively skilled in the arts
2.8 Gold
Additional question for Artsmark Gold
How has engaging with professional artists and/or arts
organisations impacted positively on staff and their
2.9 Community
How do you share your progress, activities and
achievements with the community?
Demonstrations and Talks
Let me explain to children the processes I go through in making a piece a work from ideas to drawings and models before the full scale piece is created.
Workshop Activities
Explore the techniques of making by creating individual pieces made from willow
Designing and making
Once the basic techniques are grasped, design, make and evaluate a willow creation.
Teacher CPD
INSET days or staff meeting sessions for staff to learn willow techniques and applications, which can then be used in a range of curriculum areas, making good use of possible onsite resources.
(see "Teaching Teachers" tab for more details)
Extended Development
Book 6 sessions through the year working with targetted groups of pupils developing their understanding and skills in a deeper way.
Art in the Community
Work through some of the above processes to produce a willow sculpture to be sited in a local public space, supporting local interests.
Wayside Willow
Chaz Friend