Wayside Willow
Chaz Friend

Leading new learners to ancient craft skills
Wayside Willow
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Wayside Willow seeks to bring the ancient craft of Willow weaving to Twenty First Century learners, engaging them with historical skills and techniques, while cultivating creative thinking and problem solving.
Chaz Friend - Willow artist
For bespoke sculptures, commissions and workshops

review from a school i have worked with
"Chaz has been so helpful throughout our project to create a living willow tunnel in our Secret Garden at School. When the day came to plant it, the weather was horrendous - but Chaz remained cheerful and positive and completed the task. Some of the children were able to get outside and help between showers, and enjoyed learning about the willow they were planting.
Thank you so much for all your help Chaz."
Mrs Bernard (Head Teacher ; Clifton -In-Dunsmore CE Primary School)